TDK Antenna Lab (ANT-LAB)

TDK Antenna Lab (ANT-LAB)

TDK Antenna Lab software combines a powerful set of testing tools with an easy-to-use interface to reduce the complexity associated with antenna measurements.

Ease of Use

TDK Antenna Lab software makes it simple to perform antenna measurements. It is easy to use without sacrificing high-end performance. Setting up a test is a simple process.


Generate 2D as well as 3D antenna radiation patterns. Measure EIRP (effective isotropic radiated power) or antenna gain. Calculate TRP (total radiated power). Control granularity for efficient test runs.


Enables you to create simple test files for others to run, or you can interact with the test process every step of the way.

  • Automated single-axis (2D) and dual-axis (3D) pattern measurements of passive antennas and active wireless devices: antenna gain, EIRP (effective isotropic radiated power)
  • Calculation of TRP (total radiated power) from EIRP (effective isotropic radiated power) measurements taken over the sphere
  • Path loss and cable loss measurements for use as corrections in measurements
  • 2D and 3D graphs of data
  • Export of data to text files

Testing Features

  • Quickly generate 2D graphs, 3D graphs, contour graphs, and graphs of principal plane cuts
  • Support for single-axis (2D) and dual-axis (3D) measurements
  • Stepped measurements taken at positions in any sequence, including Great Circle Cuts or Conical Cuts
  • Support for many models of receivers, spectrum analyzers, vector network analyzers, and signal generators
  • Correction for system loss
  • Swept measurements using a vector network analyzer or a receiver/spectrum analyzer with a tracking generator
  • Stepped measurements using a signal generator and a receiver or spectrum analyzer.
  • Optional delays for mechanical stabilization of positioning devices
  • Support for switch-based polarization
  • User-defined generation of position files

Data Visualization Features

  • Configurable data display format
  • Flexible configuration allowing any data parameters to be displayed in the table
  • Export data to a text file
  • Live update of data tables and graphs
  • Multiple visual tools—polar plots, contour plots, 3D graphs
  • Interface with 3D graphing tools such as MATLAB and Octave
  • Pictures can be exported for use in reporting tools
  • "Find" feature to locate data

Frequency Range Setup Features

  • User-defined frequency stepping (linear, log, or file-based)
  • Pause at the beginning or end of a frequency range and display a user-defined message

Minimum System Requirements

  • Windows 10 (64-bit) or Windows 11
  • 6th generation Intel Core i5 CPU (i5-6xxx) / AMD Ryzen 7 (or better)
  • 4 GB RAM
  • Built-in USB 3.0 port

Ordering Information

Product: TDK Antenna Lab

Model Number: ANT-LAB